Tik Tik Motion

Our Creative Team

“None of us, including me, ever do great things. But we can all do small things, with great love, and together we can do something wonderful.” – Mother Teresa

Mohammad P.

Director, writer and motion specialist

"Here in TikTik Motion studio we try our best to organize and visualize your ideas in the best way to your audience.
It's important how to describe to others."

Hossein D.

Motion specialist, Music producer

"Settle down and relax!
We'll do all the heavy lifting. we can bring everything you have in your mind to real life!
This is what "animate" means as a word."

Alavi T.

Writer and VFX

"Everything you can imagine, can be visualize too. a great idea is the most important element.
with adding some shapes to a good story everything will be eye-catching!"

Contact Form for consultation

All the things you need is to fill this form. in a short time our operators will answer you back. be sure to send your information correctly. 

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