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Storytelling - The best business strategy to Engage and Gain trust

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What do you do when someone tells you this sentence? absolutely you’ll pass and ignore it. so what should we do when we want to grab attention? there are many ways but the best one is to tell a story. everyone like to hear a good story. if you can tell a story and finish it with an advertising goal you’ll receive more attention.

In this post, we want to talk about the importance of storytelling in businesses and learn some useful tips about how to make a good story for our business.

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Why Storytelling is the Best Business Strategy

Thanks to Biteable, we are using their statistics to talk clearly about a fact. first, let’s look at a survey result on how important is video to business marketing strategies. (like motion graphics, animations, etc.)

As we can see, about 60% of them believe that videos are very important to their strategy. but why do these businesses choose videos as a strategy? the key element is “storytelling”. video is the most powerful way to grab attention and nothing can grab an audience’s attention like telling an attractive story!

Want to see the magic of storytelling? just check this awesome video.

What is Storytelling And How Does it Work?

Storytelling is the process of constructing a narrative out of one or more events. It is an essential part of human culture and society.

Storytelling is a powerful way to engage with people and hold their attention for long periods of time. It’s also an effective way to communicate complex information which is why so many brands are using it in their marketing campaigns.

It all is about imagination and curiosity. if we want to divide that into steps, we can tell it has 4 steps:

1- You hear a story
2- You Imagine each scene in the way you like
3- You become more curious about the remaining parts
4- You want to hear more till the end

Here you can check The Best Explainer video production plans 

The 5 Steps for Creating an Engaging Story

Absolutely there are more than 5 steps to make a story more engaging but here we try to explain briefly the top 5 tips which help you the most. remember, we don’t want to talk about storytelling for writing books, we actually wish to help you tell better stories for your content or video.

1- Choose a clear central message

In this case(when you are writing for your content or video) most of the time you should write your story in a few sentences. that means you don’t have that many words to write about everything! you should write a clear central message which you want to give to your audience.

2- Let the listener do some of the heavy liftings

There is no need to explain everything to the listener. If I want to cover it better, it has a negative effect too. experience tells if you let the listener configure out some parts he will engage better with the story you are telling!

3- Use rich words, but don't ruin their flavor or piquancy by over-using them

I think it is clear! just consider this tip. use rich words but don’t consist to use them in every part of your text. your target listener’s mind will stop thinking about your content if he figures out it is somehow hard to think about!

4- Engage your audience

Maybe you say: “Oh really?! I didn’t know that!”

In some parts of your story, you should make a situation for the listener to put himself in it! what do I mean by that?! for example read the upper sentence again. I say something that maybe you’re thinking about right now. so by telling that suddenly you become more curious. that is the point, or for example, I say “maybe you’ve been in a situation like that before” etc.

5- Engage all of the senses

Senses are very important. you know that some perfumes suddenly load some memories about a place or someone. how can smelling could engage a person?!

As you know describing a scene with senses is a powerful way to engage with the audience. for example, I say: “Can you remember your childhood? or that moment you lay down on the grass with your friends under the tree? The scent of the grass filled the whole atmosphere.”

We have other senses that you can use too. practice.

How To Connect with Customers through Stories?

As we mentioned, you don’t have much time to engage with your audience. consider the maximum time is 60 seconds and most of your audience will quit if you don’t grab their attention in the first 10 seconds. you should use any tools like visuals, sound effects, or some words to play with the curiosity option! that means you should make a question in your audience’s mind that they are ready to listen to answer.

So, the first step is to grab your audience’s attention by using any trick you know. (absolutely a good writer can mention some great tips for you!)
when you grab your audience’s attention you shouldn’t answer the question you have made at first. now you have time to give the information you want to your listeners. but make sure to combine it well with the original story.

In the end, your audience will understand that your content was based on an ad but (believe me!) they don’t care. your message got heard and you’ll see the effects shortly!

Learn how to estimate explainer video price

Conclusion: How Stories Can Benefit Your Company In A Significant Way

A well-told story is a powerful tool for your company. It can help you persuade customers to buy your products, motivate employees to work harder, or inspire people to donate to your cause.

The best way to reach your audience is through storytelling. You need to tell a story that will resonate with your customers and make them feel like they are part of it. It is all about the human connection.

In this article, we discussed how storytelling can benefit your company in a significant way, as well as how to use stories for marketing, advertising, and more.


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